Puppy Vomiting In The Middle Of The Night Why Is My Puppy Gagging In The Middle Of The Night?
Why is my puppy gagging in the middle of the night? - puppy vomiting in the middle of the night
She is a Cocker at the age of 8 months. A couple of nights, we heard, nausea / moved in his box and stood up. It turns out that they one piece (a piece of his toys his leg Wubba Toy won) Ingestion of this piece to the outside and seemed to be in order tomorrow. But two nights when we were awakened by feeling sick puppy excitedly in his box a few times in the middle of the night ... but this time without vomiting. Like I said, it seems very good in the day, but it happens at night, are affected. Any ideas?
My dog does the same. And we realized that we always made for a few days later, he plays with his toys. He loves them and break out Whistler. I called the vet and was told that the lint is stuck in a toy in his throat and makes e gag irritates the throat, which can take several days. Then take the new toys when they are opened, to prevent swallowing.
I hope you will be even better.
My dog does the same. And we realized that we always made for a few days later, he plays with his toys. He loves them and break out Whistler. I called the vet and was told that the lint is stuck in a toy in his throat and makes e gag irritates the throat, which can take several days. Then take the new toys when they are opened, to prevent swallowing.
I hope you will be even better.
First, throw the toy. That brought her to the vet. You can still a few toys in the stomach or intestine. Grass makes them vomit if they amend their belly. But while some have gone in digestion, which can have a lock. An ex-ray at the vet offace performed. In the pet store, they chew toy with a tenacity that you want. Easy to chew, or break is difficult.
You must bring to the vet and she saw. When she broke the toy, and ate them, can still play a role in his not coming. The parties could block the intestine, where they are still there.
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